Posts tagged Pain Relief
My Morning Routine: Humorous, but Healthy

I have a morning routine that I've been doing for years, but I only recently shared it with a stranger while we were discussing our daily habits. It occurred to me that my routine is quite ritualistic and resembles a luxurious spa treatment. As I was describing my routine, I thought about how I sounded like Christian Bale's character, Patrick Bateman, from the movie American Psycho, when he described his morning routine and saw the humor in it. As much as I see the benefits to doing it, it also sounds comical, so I am going to share it in this post in hopes of amusing most of you and, maybe, enlightening some of you to some lesser-known health interventions. I hope you enjoy it.

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Does Bad Weather Bring Out Pain?

Many individuals who suffer from chronic pain often attribute their discomfort to the weather. However, there is no clear scientific evidence to support this belief. This is mainly due to the challenge of obtaining a large dataset of patients frequently recording their pain symptoms during various weather conditions. But things have changed. A study called “Cloudy With a Chance of Pain” used a unique way of collecting data to see if weather correlates to pain. They have the best data to date on the subject. Their findings were surprising.

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The Confusing World Of Dental Pain

Sadly, many people avoid going to the dentist, but when teeth start hurting, their motivation goes up. Unfortunately, waiting until you have a toothache is like trying to fix the roof while it is raining. Today I am going to talk about tooth pain in all of its varieties and what you should do about it.

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