Posts tagged Nora Gedgaudas
The Declaration of Health Independence

Despite us all having unique personal versions of reality, politicians, media, entertainment, social media, search engines, and advertisers continually influence us into the specific beliefs they wish us to have. We have followed their advice (many times without even knowing it) and are in terrible health anyway. I say we consider declaring our independence from them and learn to take care of ourselves. It can be confusing and difficult, but it will pay off sooner than you think. This post will cover some of the background of how we got into this mess and two important things we can all start doing today to break free and get on the road to better health.

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Protein, Energy, and My Curious Case of Starvation (Or What Human Evolution and History Taught Me)

We can produce glucose from the protein we ingest in the absence of fat and carbs in the diet. Making glucose from protein is a process known as gluconeogenesis. The problem is that our ability to synthesize glucose from protein is very limited and will not sustain us longterm. Luckily, we have such an abundance of food today, most people will never have to rely on gluconeogenesis, except for me. Today, I would like to share my story and put the knowledge I gained from my experience into the larger framework of human evolution and biology.

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My Mission (Why I Want You On My Website, Not In My Chair)

During a recent health conference, I found myself explaining why I was not just a run of the mill dentist.  My real passion is cutting through all of the bad health advice, misconceptions, half-truths and downright lies out there and disseminating the plain truth to those willing to listen. As they say, if I catch you a fish, I have fed you a meal, if I teach you how to fish, I have fed you for a lifetime.

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