Posts in Paleo
The Carnivore Diet and Vitamin C Deficiency

The carnivore diet is a dietary regimen that restricts food intake to animal products, primarily meat, and animal-derived products, while excluding plant-based foods. Advocates of the carnivore diet (I am one of them) claim that it provides numerous health benefits, such as weight loss, improved mental clarity, and relief from various health conditions. One common concern with diets that exclude plant foods, like the carnivore diet, is the potential risk of vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, including vitamin C. A well-rounded carnivore diet, including fatty meat and organs, should contain all of the nutrients we require. However, it is important to understand why people on a carnivore diet that includes organ meat should not need to worry about their vitamin C status.

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Medical Intervention Versus Ancestral Medicine

In my post last week, I jokingly listed seven things that one could do to be unhealthy. However, I didn't want to leave it at that, so I also provided a list of seven things that can be done to maximize our health. All of the recommendations I made were related to lifestyle changes related to the ways our ancestors lived. The concept of incorporating ancestral behaviors such as proper sleep or whole foods diets universally embraced by our predecessors to achieve optimal health is known as the Ancestral Health Movement. Given the option, I would rather follow ancestral wisdom and reduce my chances of needing the care of a physician who may increase my chances of dying through error. This post will cover why I think ancestral medicine is a viable option for good health,

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7 Suggestions To Achieve Unhealthiness

Last week, I discussed the importance of taking charge of your own health and promised to provide tips for maintaining your well-being. Now, let's explore some habits that might lead to poor health. If you want to be unhealthy, make sure you…

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Why Use Toothpaste

Brushing twice and flossing once daily is a smart idea if your diet contains processed carbohydrates. Toothpaste always comes along for the ride on our brushes. Did you ever stop and wonder how necessary it is? I have. I say no. I will explain my rationale in this post.

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We Need Less Sleep Than We Previously Thought, Especially In the Summer

It has been dogma that we need eight hours of sleep. Furthermore, the research shows that we don't get nearly that much. In fact, we miss the mark by almost one to two hours each night. Then comes summer, when we typically sleep one less hour than in winter. For those of us trying to maximize sleep, this all sounds disconcerting. I have encouraging news about newer sleep research that has shed some light on how much sleep we should get each night, especially in the summer.

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Moderation Versus Optimization

As part of patient care, I have conversations about the introduction of processed grains to our diets about 10,000 years ago and all the detrimental effects that came with it; tooth decay, gum disease, stunted growth, etc. I also discuss the introduction of industrially processed seed oils like corn, canola, and soy and their connection to heart disease, diabetes, obesity, inflammation, and more. A frequent response I hear is the phrase, "everything in moderation." I am unsure what they mean, and I wonder if they do either. I believe seeking moderation has risks. I suggest optimizing as a better approach to health. This post will cover the difference between the two and seven things we should optimize for health.

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Is Obesity a Genetically Induced Brain Disease?

You may have heard that a piece on the TV program called 60 Minutes recently sparked some controversy. A doctor stated that obesity is a brain disease, and the largest contributor to obesity is genetics. To quote her, "That means if you were born to parents that have obesity, you have a 50-85% likelihood of having the disease yourself even with optimal diet, exercise, sleep management, [and] stress management..." She tells us that lifestyle won't make a difference for genetically flawed people. 

The 60 Minutes Program then segues into the new weight-reducing medications, stressing how effective they are, potentially leaving the audience with four takeaways: 1) Obesity is a brain disease. 2) Obesity is genetic 3) Lifestyle changes won't work for the genetically flawed. and 4) Drugs are better than lifestyle changes, especially for the genetically flawed. This post will address these issues and more.

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The Ice Age and How it Shaped Human Evolution

Evolution takes place because we successfully adapt to changes in our environments over vast amounts of time, leading to the false belief that evolution occurs only when the environmental change is stable over time so that the adaptive changes can take hold and the species can flourish. After all, if the adaptative pressure goes in one direction and then reverses course, the adaptive changes might never happen or become maladaptive and cause extinction. But the climatic record during human evolution has been extremely variable, especially in the recent past, so it does not support the idea that environmental stability produced our adaptation. This post will discuss the accepted definition of ice ages, glaciations, interglacials, and their effect on human evolution. 

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Why Sucking Air Sucks

Poor sleep is often caused by poor breathing, which, in turn, is often caused by poor jaw development. In 2016, the American Heart Association released a "scientific statement" on the connection between poor sleep and heart disease; you can find it here. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine states that severe sleep apnea doubles one's chance of dying from heart disease. I have spoken at length about the connection between facial development and obstructive sleep apnea before. In my post today, I am going to focus on the pressure changes to the body that sleep apnea causes and their consequences.

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Raw Egg Yolks: One of My Favorite Meals

I have been on the carnivore diet for almost three years. From the start, raw eggs have been a big part of my diet. My go-to recipe is one dozen yolks mixed with bone broth. It fits in a tall glass that I drink down each morning. Another way I consume my raw egg yolks is to mix them with water and honey. If this sounds strange, this post will clarify why I consider it an important part of my diet.

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The Incredible Human Part Four: Man, The Cucinivore

Welcome to The Incredible Human Part 4. We usually consider animals' diets carnivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorous. However, within the distinction of herbivores, we see further specializations. For example, frugivores eat fruits primarily, granivores eat grains and seeds, and folivores eat leaves. Humans are omnivores. But there is more to our dietary story. Just as herbivores can specialize as frugivores, granivores, folivores, or a combination, omnivores also specialize. And we have the most specialized diets in the animal kingdom. This post will discuss why our diets are so special.

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Should we be concerned that practically every fruit and vegetable in the supermarket contains natural plant pesticides that are rodent carcinogens?

In 1990, Bruce Ames, Margie Profet, and Lois Swirsky Gold found that Americans consume an average of 1.5 grams of natural pesticides produced by plants themselves daily. They noted that 52 of them had been analyzed in animal cancer tests, in which rodents are fed exorbitantly high doses to see if they developed tumors. 27 were found to be carcinogens! To repeat, I am speaking exclusively about the natural chemicals plants produce to avoid being eaten, not sprayed-on synthetic pesticides. Should we be concerned?

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My Interview on Carnivore Cast

A few weeks ago, I was interviewed on The Carnivore Cast, which is a podcast focused on the carnivore diet and lifestyle with practical advice from successful carnivores, citizen scientists, and top researchers answering your burning questions and meaty topics. The episode is now out. On it, we talk about my previous health problems, how I got into Paleo, functional medicine and dentistry, and finally, the carnivore diet. I also talk about why we don’t really need toothpaste and why we all have crooked teeth.

The site is the brainchild of Scott Myslinski, a really cool guy promoting optimal health through proper movement and, of course, the carnivore diet. He has tons of really good podcast guests, so check them out. Enjoy!

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My Interview With Cavin Balaster

I enjoyed talking to Cavin Balaster on his Adventures In Brain Injury Podcast. Cavin is a survivor of a terrible traumatic brain injury who has a book called How to Feed a Brain: Nutrition for Optimal Brain Function and Repair and a podcast about all things health related, especially how to have a healthy brain. We met in Austin at a charity for the Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund and immediately hit it off. When He asked me to do it, I was skeptical that I could contribute much to the subject of brain injury, but after speaking with Cavin for a few minutes, I was convinced I had something to offer. Cavin and I understand that good health has more to do with things like breathing, nutrients, sunshine, and connecting with one another, not pharmaceuticals and surgeries. Although the latter two items have their place, they should be rare, whereas lifestyle practices should be constant. We had a blast and could have spent all day talking about health.

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Can You Get A Pimple In Your Mouth?

In my daily practice, I often find infected teeth that the patient is entirely unaware of. Most often, I find asymptomatic infections on radiographs (x-rays). Sometimes, I can see what appears to be a pimple on the gums adjacent to the tooth, usually at the level of the root tip. The pimple is usually on the cheek side (buccal). However, they are occasionally found on the tongue side (known as the palatal on the upper and lingual on the lower). Technically a pimple around a tooth is known as a dentoalveolar fistula. I will talk about what they are, how they form, what to do if you have one, and how to prevent them.

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Lack of Sleep May be Hurting Your Teen: Here’s What to Do About It

Today, I would like to talk about a few other causes of poor sleep, especially in children and especially teens, as they normally have earlier school start times. According to numerous studies, people, including children and teens, who sleep less than five hours per night are more vulnerable to respiratory infections. But the bad news doesn't end there. Poor sleep can eventually lead to certain forms of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, depression and other mental disorders, and obesity. At the end of the post, I will cover some helpful tips to help us and our children to sleep better-especially our teenagers.

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Is It Us Or Our Food?

Why are so many Americans overweight or obese? Are we weak? Are we addicted to unhealthy foods? The answer is probably not. I took a look at how our food supply has changed over the years, and it may explain our ever-expanding waistlines. This post will cover the trends, investigate some of the science, and, finally, talk about what we can do to lose weight and become healthier.

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PaleoFx Presentation: The Shrinking Face Epidemic

This is the presentation I am giving today at PaleoFx in Austin Texas.

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Is Tooth Wear Good For Us?

Tooth wear is considered a bad thing in the modern era. It can be painful and unsightly. Furthermore, a 2019 analysis of 706 studies involving tooth wear associated it with sleep disorders, oro-facial pain, oral dryness, GERD, and sleep bruxism (tooth grinding). However, several lines of research conclude that tooth wear, even in childhood, may be an evolutionary survival strategy. Especially as it pertains to proper jaw growth. The story is a little complicated, so I want to give you a little background and then explain how tooth wear may have been beneficial during our evolution.

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