Posts tagged Vitamin K2

A very close family member was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis and was not keen on taking medication. They approached me for advice. I was inspired to write this post on what osteoporosis is, how to avoid it, and how to live with it, hopefully without medication if possible. It includes both dietary and lifestyle suggestions.

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Colostrum: Animal-based Super Food?

Colostrum is something that many people are totally or partially unaware of. If you have heard of it, it may have only been because you or someone you know had a child and had to deal with lactation. Colostrum is the first yellowish fluid produced after childbirth. It is pure for about the first four days of lactation, and then it is slowly replaced by milk over several weeks. The early milk that still contains some colostrum is called transitional milk. All lactating mammals produce colostrum. Research has proven that pure colostrum promotes growth and health in all newborn mammals, including humans. 

Bovine (from cows) colostrum is consumed by some traditional cultures and is becoming more popular as a supplement for its supposed health benefits. This post will cover what it is, what it does for newborn babies, and its use for adults. 

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Vitamin K2: The Most Important Vitamin You May Have Never Heard Of

Many vitamins have received time in the spotlight. Unfortunately, vitamin K2, which is also known as menaquinone, is not one of them. Vitamin K2 turns out to be crucial for optimal health and may be the missing nutrient responsible for many of today's chronic illnesses. Most of you have probably heard of vitamin K, and you might even know it is associated with blood clotting. So, what is vitamin K2? That’s what today’s post is all about…

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